With teenager Sakshi’s entry into the Rakhi-Elesh parivaar, it was evident that mayhem was expected. On day one itself, hell broke loose in the Rakhi-Elesh household with Elesh’s outburst at Sakshi for disrespecting the rules of their house. The otherwise cool and composed Elesh made it very clear to their teen that he is a no-nonsense person. However, while Sakshi got Elesh’s message loud and clear, she decided to try Rakhi’s patience. Sakshi had been ordering her parents around for quite some time and Rakhi decided that now it was high time that their teen begins to help around the house. While Rakhi was giving Sakshi a head massage, Sakshi ordered Elesh to cut an orange for her. Hearing this, Rakhi who was already annoyed, requested Sakshi to do things herself rather than commanding and ordering around. However, the incident that made Rakhi flip was when she requested her daughter to help her with the dishes, and the teenager refused to oblige. Little did Sakshi know that there was already a volcano waiting to erupt from within Rakhi. Sakshi went a step further to insult Rakhi, saying Elesh had seven girlfriends before Rakhi. That was it! This was enough reason for Rakhi to lose her cool and she demanded that Sakshi apologise to Elesh. Sakshi, who also lost her cool by then, used offensive and foul language, fuelling Rakhi’s anger. Hell broke loose when a heated verbal argument began between the mother-daughter duo, leading Elesh to intervene. Elesh managed to get the women to sort out their issues by talking to them. Rakhi explained that Sakshi needs to know how to run a household as well as be independent enough to stand on her own feet before wanting to have a boyfriend (which she believes is a waste of time and energy). She tells Sakshi that she is at a stage where she can’t even fend for herself so considering having a boyfriend should not be her priority at this moment. Sakshi compares Rakhi and Elesh’s relationship to that of a boyfriend and girlfriend and said that she too wants to ‘experience’ it all. This infuriates the already fuming Rakhi and she lashes out at Sakshi saying that she should never forget that she is an Indian girl and this is not her culture. The whole situation goes out of hand with both mother and daughter screaming their lungs out at each other. What will be the outcome of this argument? Will Rakhi order Sakshi to leave the house as Elesh had earlier? Or will Sakshi sober down and realise her fault?
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